15 Months Developmental Milestones
​Your baby might be...
Throwing things like food and toys! You baby might love to watch someone grab them and bring them back
Understanding and showing more emotion
Using words to understand the world
Throwing tantrums when upset or tired
Starting to be more imaginative and using imagination in play
Enjoying problem solving, and getting better at it every day!
Choosing a favorite toy and a favorite place to play
Getting your baby to use their hands and fingers is high activity. Try letting them scribble with crayons or play with a string instrument.
Babies at this age love to climb: You can build a safe obstacle course for them to crawl over.
Asking your baby questions: Asking them what they would like to eat, or where they would like to go helps expand their vocabulary and gain independence.
Singing at this age can also be amazing, sing songs with your baby, or even create your rhythms together.
Continue to read along: Read books that talk about feelings and show experiences your baby has had like playing.
Looking for more fun ideas for you and your baby? Check out these websites: